1 - Overview: What's Bioinformatics, Biostatistics and Data Science?

Presentation slides


2 - RStudio, RMarkdown/knitr

Slides: Intro to RStudio
Slides: Intro to R
Slides: Intro to RMarkdown
Slides: Intro to Mathjax
Slides: Intro to Presentations
Markdown demo
ioslides presentation template
Beamer presentation example


R/Markdown references



Preparing a presentation

Scientific writing

The IMRaD (Introduction – Method – Results – and – Discussion) format, http://sokogskriv.no/en/writing/structure/the-imrad-format/

3 - R graphics, ggplot2, dplyr

Slides: Dplyr and ggplot2 basics
Tutorial: dplyr_ggplot2.R
Tutorial: Base R graphics
Tutorial: ggplot2


4 - Version control with GitHub

Slides: Git and GitHub


5 - The Biology and Genetics of Cells and Organisms

Slides: Biology overview


http://biology-pages.info/ - Kimball biology pages

http://atlasgeneticsoncology.org/GeneticEng.html - educational items in human genetics


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NR0mdDJMHIQ - Mitotic cell division

http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/dna-packaging - how DNA is packaged into nucleosomes-chromosomes

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TNKWgcFPHqw - DNA replication 3D

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41_Ne5mS2ls and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bLEDd-PSTQ - Transcription and Translation

http://vcell.ndsu.nodak.edu/animations/transcription/movie-flash.htm - mRNA transcription

http://vcell.ndsu.nodak.edu/animations/mrnaprocessing/movie-flash.htm - mRNA processing

http://vcell.ndsu.nodak.edu/animations/translation/movie-flash.htm - mRNA translation

http://sepuplhs.org/high/sgi/teachers/genetics_act16_sim.html - mRNA translation demo and exercise

http://learn.genetics.utah.edu/content/basics/transcribe/TranscribeTranslate.swf - transcribe and translate exercise

http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/coding-sequences-dna - Size of the genome and coding sequences

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=46FC0OGzsSs - dna structure & genetics 3d animation, self-watch

6 - Microarray technology

Slides: Microarray technology
Slides: Microarray databases
Microarray data




https://youtu.be/MRmpeBTwwWw - photolitographic manufacturing of oligonucleotide arrays

7 - Image analysis

Slides: Image analysis
Log2 transformation
Mann-Whitney test
Trimmed mean exact formula


8 - Bioconductor

Slides: Bioconductor
Slides: Annotation, gene IDs
R: Install Bioconductor
R: ExpressionSet
R: Biomart
R: Annotation


9 - Experimental design

Slides: Experimental design


10 - Quality control

Slides: Quality control, spotted arrays
Slides: Quality control, Affymetrix arrays
Exercises and data


11 - Normalization

Slides: Normalization
Lecture notes, normalization
Quantile normalization example
Exercises and data


12 - Expression summarization

Slides: Expression summarization
Lecture notes: Expression summarization
Li & Wong summarization example
Median polish example
RMA example 1
RMA example 2
Exercises and data


13 - Differential expression

Slides: Introduction into differential expression analysis
Exercise: lab/DEG_ttest.R - Basic t-test and volcano plot
Exercise: lab/volcano.R - Demo of pretty volcano plot
Handouts: Power analysis
Slides: Linear models for microarray data analysis, limma, empirical Bayes
Exercise: lab/DiffExpr_Limma.Rmd - limma demo
Slides: Significance Analysis of Microarrays, SAM
Exercise: lab/DiffExpr_SAM.Rmd - SAM demo, uses GDS858 data. BiomaRt demo at the end
Slides: Multiple testing correction
Exercise: lab/Filtering.Rmd - filtering gene set
Exercise: lab/multitest.R - multiple testing correction and filtering. Uses Methyl.RData
Slides: Batch effect correction, ComBat, SVA
Batch effect exercise 1, and exercise 2



Extensions of Limma method

SAM - Significance analysis of Microarrays

Multiple testing

Batch effect

14 - Functional enrichment analysis

Slides: Functional enrichment analysis
Exercise: lab/Enrichment_Genes.Rmd - differential expression using limma, annotations, functional enrichment
Exercise: lab/EnrichmentOverlay.Rmd - overlaying DEGs over a pathway
Slides: Chi-square, Fisher’s exact, McNemar tests


15 - Clustering

Slides: Introduction to clustering, preprocessing, distance/similarity metrics, hierarchical/divisive clustering, single/average/complete metrics
Exercises: Average_linkage.R, Single_Linkage.R, Complete_Linkage.R, Divisive_Kmeans.R, CramersV_gower.R
Slides: Non-hierarchical Clustering and dimensionality reduction techniques
Exercises: Kmeans_PAM.R (uses BreastCancer.RData), PCA.R (uses nci60.tsv), MDS.Rmd
Slides: Clustering quality control measures


Video: Hierarchical clustering playlist, and other clustering videos from Viktor Lavrenko

Video: t-SNE talk “Visualizing data using embeddings” by Laurens van der Maaten


All general references recommended to read.