The dbcreator*
modules perform several steps:
Download raw data files and place them in the [dir]/downloads/
folder. Note that this step may take several days on a slow network connection. If the download process fails, simply re-run the dbcreator*
modules - this will resume the process. A more efficient way is to mirror the databases using rsync (see the dbcreator FAQ).
Convert the files into the BED format, organize and compress them with bgzip. Unsupported data formats are skipped, with warning.
Place the converted files in [dir]/grsnp_db/[organism]/[group]
Some regulatory datasets may contain non-standard chromosome names, such as chr1_gl000192_random, chr6_ssto_hap7, chrUn_gl000248. These regions will introduce artefacts in the p-value calculations. Therefore, it is a good idea to post-process the database by running (replace the [dir]
with the full path to the database):
n=$((`find [dir] -type f -name "*.bed.gz" | wc -l`)); i=0; for file in `find [dir] -type f -name "*.bed.gz"`; do f=`basename $file`; d=`dirname $file`; i=$((i+1)); echo "Processing" $i "out of" $n ":" $file; zcat $file | grep "\bchr[0-9XYM][^_]\b" | awk 'BEGIN {OFS="\t"} { if ( $3 <= $2) { print $1, $2, $2+1, $4, $5, $6 } else { print $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 } }' | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n -k3,3n | uniq > $d/${f%???} && rm $file; bgzip ${file%???} && tabix $file; done
The logic here is to count the total number of "*.bed.gz"" files, process each file keeping only standard chromosome names ("\bchr[0-9XYM][^_]\b"
regex). Also,awk
ensures that the end genomic coordinates are larger than the start coordinates, and adjusts offending lines accordingly. The standardized files are then compressed with bgzip
and indexed with tabix
The dbcreator*
modules create a log file (genomerunner_dbcreator.log) in the [dir]