Although the database structure may look daunting at first, it follows logical organization of the subfolders:
- the [organism] subfolders here store organism-specific raw genome annotation data. Populated by the dbcreator*
modules, or by manually mirroring the databases;grsnp_db
- the [organism] subfolders here contain organism-specific processed regulatory datasets, organized into subfolders according to the UCSC schema. The ENCODE data (track names beginning with wgEncode) are placed under separate ENCODE subfolders strictured according to the [dir]/grsnp_db/[organism]/ENCODE/[data source/type]/[Tier]/[cell type]
subfolders contain genome annotation data filtered by ## percent score and/or strand thresholds, as described in the Filtering section;custom_data
- contains backgrounds
, fois
, gfs
and rsid_conversion
subfolders, each contains organism-specific pre-defined datasets (see Custom data);results
and uploads
are special folders containing run-specific files.An example of complete database structure may look like:
├── custom_data
│ ├── backgrounds
│ │ ├── hg19
│ │ ├── mm10
│ │ └── mm9
│ ├── fois
│ │ ├── hg19
│ │ │ ├── GWASmore15
│ │ ├── mm10
│ │ ├── mm9
│ ├── gfs
│ │ ├── hg19
│ │ │ ├── gwasCatalog
│ │ │ ├── H3K4me3
│ │ │ └── tfbsEncode
│ │ ├── mm10
│ │ └── mm9
│ └── rsid_conversion
│ ├── hg19
├── downloads
├── grsnp_db
│ └── hg19
│ ├── compGeno
│ ├── ENCODE
│ │ ├── BroadHistone
│ │ │ ├── Tier1
│ │ │ │ ├── Gm12878
│ │ │ │ ├── H1hesc
│ │ │ │ └── K562
│ │ │ ├── Tier2
│ │ │ │ ├── A549
│ ├── expression
│ ├── genes
│ ├── map
│ ├── neandertal
│ ├── phenDis
│ ├── regulation
│ ├── rep
│ ├── rna
│ ├── unsorted
│ └── varRep
├── grsnp_db_25
├── grsnp_db_25_minus
├── grsnp_db_25_plus
├── grsnp_db_50
├── results
└── uploads