Experimental design slides, HTML, Rmd

QC spotted (two-channel) arrays slides, HTML, PDF, Rmd

QC Affymetrix (single-channel) arrays slides, HTML, PDF, Rmd


  • MAplots_QC_spotted.R - Reading in two spotted arrays, playing with regular and Bland-Altman plots. code, data

  • MAplots_affy.R - constructing ExpressionSet, visualizing it as scatterplot, MAplot, smoothscatter. Volcano plot. code, data

  • Affy_QC.R - reading CEL files, plotting probes, boxplots, affyPLM visualization, average background, percent present, 3’/5’ ratio. code, data

  • LOF_code.R - lack of fit test using Affymetrix spike-in data, code

