Fall 2016

Multiple testing problem

  • With thousands of genes on a microarray we’re not testing one hypothesis, but many hypotheses – one for each gene

  • Analysis of 20,000 genes using commonly accepted significance level \(\alpha=0.05\) will identify 1,000 differentially expressed genes simply by chance

  • If probability of making an error in one test is 0.05, probability of making at least one error in ten tests is


Multiple Hypothesis Testing for differential expression detection

  • The test statistics and hence the p-values are likely correlated due to co-regulation of the genes.
  • Would like multiple testing procedures that take into account the dependence structure of the genes.
  • This could be accomplished by estimating the joint null distribution of the unadjusted, unknown p-values.

Permutation based methods

Permutation based adjusted p-values

  • Under the \(H_0\), the joint distribution of the test statistics can be estimated by permuting the columns of the gene expression matrix
  • Permuting entire columns creates a situation in which membership to the groups being compared is independent of gene expression but preserves the dependence structure between genes

Permutation based methods

  • Permutation algorithm for the \(b^{th}\) permutation, \(b = 1, ..., B\)
  1. Permute the \(n\) columns of the data matrix \(X\)
  2. Compute test statistics \(t_{j,b}\) for each hypothesis (gene, \(j=1, ..., g\))
  • The permutation distribution of the test statistic \(T_j\) for hypothesis \(H_j\) is given by the empirical distribution of \(t_{j,1}, ..., t_{j,B}\)

Permutation based methods

  • For two-sided alternative hypotheses, the permutation p-value for hypothesis \(H_j\) is

\[p_j^* = \frac{\sum_{b=1}^B{I(\vert{t_{j,b}}\vert \ge \vert{t_j}\vert)}}{B}\]

where \(I(*)\) is the indicator function, equaling 1 if the condition in parentheses is true and 0 otherwise.

Permutation based methods

  • Permutation method permits estimation of the joint null distribution of the unadjusted unknown p-values.

  • Dependency structure between the genes is preserved.

  • May suffer from a granularity problem (when two groups, should have 6 arrays in each group to use permutation based method).

\(n/n1!n2!\) ways of forming two groups

Results of Multiple hypothesis testing

Assume we are testing \(H_1, H_2, ..., H_m.\) \(m_0\) - # of true null hypotheses

# false # true
null hypo. null hypo.
# non-signif. U T m - R
# significant V S R
m0 m-m0
  • U, S - True negatives/positives *unobservable random variable
  • V - False positives [Type I errors] *
  • T - False negatives [Type II errors ] *
  • R - All positives (# of rejected null hypotheses) Observable

Error rates

False Discovery rate (FDR)

\[E \left[ \frac{False \; Discoveries}{True \; Discoveries} \right]\]

Family wise error rate (FWER)

\[Pr(Number \; of \; False \; positives \ge 1)\]

Expected number of false positives

\[E[Number \; of \; False \; positives]\]


Suppose 550 out of 10,000 genes are significant at \(\alpha = 0.05\)

P-value < 0.05

  • Expect \(0.05*10,000=500\) false positives

False Discovery Rate < 0.05

  • Expect \(0.05*550=27.5\) false positives

Family Wise Error Rate < 0.05

  • The probability of at least 1 false positive is \(\le 0.05\)

Multiple Hypothesis Testing: FWER

  • Given \(p\) is the probability of error, \(1-p\) is the probability of correct choice in one test

  • \(1-(1-p)^g\) is the probability of one error in \(g\) tests

Multiple Hypothesis Testing: FWER

  • Given \(p\) is the probability of error, \(1-p\) is the probability of correct choice in one test

  • \(1-(1-p)^g\) is the probability of one error in \(g\) tests

Sidak single step

  • Testing \(g\) null hypotheses
  • Reject any \(H_i\) with \(p\le 1-\sqrt[g]{1-\alpha}\)

  • When testing 22,283 genes for differential expression, use the following cutoff: \[1-\sqrt[22,283]{1-0.05}=0.000002302\]

Multiple Hypothesis Testing: FWER

Bonferroni procedure

  • Testing \(g\) null hypothesis
  • Reject any \(H_i\) with \(p_i \le \alpha / g\)
  • 0.05/22,283 = 0.0000022

Multiple Hypothesis Testing: FWER

Bonferroni procedure

  • Testing \(g\) null hypothesis
  • Reject any \(H_i\) with \(p_i \le \alpha / g\)
  • 0.05/22,283 = 0.0000022
  • Controls the FWER to be \(\le \alpha\) and to be equal to \(\alpha\) if all hypotheses are true.
  • As the number of hypotheses increases, the average power for an individual hypothesis decreases
  • Very conservative; no attempt to incorporate dependence between tests

Multiple Hypothesis Testing: FWER

Holm step-down procedure

  1. Order the p-values and hypotheses \(P_1 \ge ... \ge P_g\) corresponding to \(H_1, ..., H_g\)
  2. Let \(i = 1\)
  3. If \(P_{g-i+1} > \alpha / (g - i + 1)\) then accept all remaining hypotheses \(H_{g-i+1}\) and STOP
  4. If \(P_{g-i+1} \le \alpha / (g - i + 1)\) then reject \(H_{g-i+1}\) and increment \(i\), then return to step 3.

Multiple Hypothesis Testing: FWER

Sidak step down

  1. Order the p-values and hypotheses \(P_1 \ge ... \ge P_g\) corresponding to \(H_1, ..., H_g\)
  2. Let \(i = 1\)
  3. If \(P_{g-i+1} > 1 - \sqrt[g - i + 1]{1 - \alpha}\) then accept all remaining hypotheses \(H_{g-i+1}\) and STOP
  4. If \(P_{g-i+1} \le 1 - \sqrt[g - i + 1]{1 - \alpha}\) then reject \(H_{g-i+1}\) and increment \(i\), then return to step 3.

Multiple Hypothesis Testing: FWER

Hochberg step up

  1. Order the p-values and hypotheses \(P_1 \ge ... \ge P_g\) corresponding to \(H_1, ..., H_g\)
  2. Let \(i = 1\)
  3. If \(P_i \le \alpha / i\) then reject all remaining hypotheses \(H_i, ..., H_g\) and STOP
  4. If \(P_i > \alpha / i\) then accept \(H_i\) and increment \(i\), then return to step 3.

Considerations for controlling the FWER

  • Control over FWER is only appropriate in situations where the intent is to identify only a small number of genes that are truly different.

  • Otherwise, the severe loss in power in controlling FWER is not justified.

Considerations for controlling the FWER

  • Approaches that set out to control the FWER seek to control the probability of at least one false positive regardless of the number of hypotheses being tested.

  • When the number of hypotheses N is very large, this may be too strict = too many missed findings.

False discovery rates: FDR

  • It may be more appropriate to emphasize the proportion of false positives among the differentially expressed genes.

  • The expectation of this proportion is the false discovery rate (FDR) (Benjamini & Hochberg, 1995)

False discovery rate

Benjamini and Hochberg 1995

Definition: FDR is the proportion of false positives among all positives

\[FDR = E\left[ \frac{V}{V+S} \right] = E\left[ \frac{V}{R} \right]\]

  • Select the desired proportion \(q\), e.g., 0.1 (10%)
  • Rank the p-values \(p_1 \le p_2 \le ... \le p_m\).
  • Find the largest rank \(i\) such that \(p_i \le \frac{i}{m} * q\)
  • Reject null hypotheses corresponding to \(p_1, ..., p_i\)

False positive vs. False discovery rates

False positive rate is the rate at which truly null genes are called significant

\[FPR \approx \frac{false\,positives}{truly\,null} = \frac{V}{m_0}\]

False discovery rate is the rate at which significant genes are truly null

\[FDR \approx \frac{false\,positives}{called\,significant} = \frac{V}{R}\]

False Discovery Rates

Two procedures for controlling FDR:

  • Fix the acceptable FDR level \(\sigma\) a priori, then find a data-dependent threshold so that the \(FDR \ge \sigma\). (Benjamini & Hochberg)
  • Fix the threshold rule and then form an estimate of the FDR whose expectation is \(\ge\) the FDR rule over the significance region. (Storey)

Storey’s positive FDR (pFDR)

\[BH:\, FDR=E\left[ \frac{V}{R}|R>0 \right]p(R>0)\]

\[Storey:\, pFDR=E\left[ \frac{V}{R}|R>0 \right]\]

  • Since P(R > 0) is ~ 1 in most genomics experiments, FDR and pFDR are very similar
  • Omitting P(R > 0) facilitated development of a measure of significance in terms of the FDR for each hypothesis


  • Storey & Tibshirani, "Statistical significance for genomewide studies", PNAS, 2003 http://www.pnas.org/content/100/16/9440.full
  • Empirically derived – uses the p-value distribution
  • Storey's method first estimates the fraction of comparisons for which the null is true, \(\pi_0\), counting the number of \(P\) values larger than a cutoff \(\lambda\) (such as 0.5) relative to \((1 − \lambda)*N\) (such as \(N/2\)), the count expected when the distribution is uniform
  • Multiply the Benjamini & Hochberg FDR by \(\pi_0\), thus less conservative



  • q-value is defined as the minimum FDR that can be attained when calling a "feature" significant (i.e., expected proportion of false positives incurred when calling that feature significant)

  • The estimated q-value is a function of the p-value for that test and the distribution of the entire set of p-values from the family of tests being considered

  • Thus, in an array study testing for differential expression, if gene X has a q-value of 0.013 it means that 1.3% of genes that show pvalues at least as small as gene X are false positives