Fall 2016

Batch effects

  • Batch effects are widespread in high-throughput biology. They are artifacts not related to the biological variation of scientific interests.

  • For instance, two microarray experiments on the same technical replicates processed on two different days might present different results due to factors such as room temperature or the two technicians who did the two experiments.

  • Batch effects can substantially confound the downstream analysis, especially meta-analysis across studies.

Batch sources

Batch removal methods

The effect of batch removal

Batch removal methods

Two main approaches:

  • Location-scale (LS)
  • Matrix-factorization (MF)

Batch removal methods


  • LS method assumes a model for the location (mean) and/or scale (variance) of the data within the batches.

  • Adjusts the batches in order to agree with these models

Batch removal methods


  • MF techniques assume that the variation in the data corresponding to batch effects is independent on the variation corresponding to the biological variable of interest

  • Capture non-biological variability in a small set of factors

  • Factors can be estimated through some matrix factorization methods


ComBat - Location-scale method

The core idea of ComBat was that the observed measurement \(Y_{ijg}\) for the expression value of gene \(g\) for sample \(j\) from batch \(i\) can be expressed as


where \(X\) consists of covariates of scientific interests, while \(\gamma_{ig}\) and \(\delta_{ig}\) characterize the additive and multiplicative batch effects of batch \(i\) for gene \(g\).



After obtaining the estimators from the above linear regression, the raw data \(Y_{ijg}\) can be adjusted to \(Y_{ijg}^*\):


For real application, an empirical Bayes method was applied for parameter estimation.



When batches were unknown, the surrogate variable analysis (SVA) was developed.

The main idea was to separate the effects caused by covariates of our primary interests from the artifacts not modeled.

Now the raw expression value \(Y_{jg}\) of gene \(g\) in sample \(j\) can be formulated as:


where \(\eta_{kj}\)s represent the unmodeled factors and are called as “surrogate variables”.


Once again, the basic idea was to estimate \(\eta_{kj}\)s and adjust them accordingly.

An iterative algorithm based on singular value decomposition (SVD) was derived to iterate between estimating the main effects \(\hat{\alpha_g}+X\hat{\beta_g}\) given the estimation of surrogate variables and estimating surrogate variables from the residuals \(r_{jg}=Y_{jg}-\hat{\alpha_g}-X\hat{\beta_g}\)

sva package in Bioconductor

  • Contains ComBat function for removing effects of known batches.
  • Assume we have:
    • edata: a matrix for raw expression values
    • batch: a vector named for batch numbers.
modcombat = model.matrix(~1, data=as.factor(batch)) 

combat_edata = ComBat(dat=edata, batch=batch, mod=modcombat, par.prior=TRUE, prior.plot=FALSE)



For sequencing data, svaseq, the generalized version of SVA, suggested applying a moderated log transformation to the count data or fragments per kilobase of exon per million fragments mapped (FPKM) first to account for the nature of discrete distributions

Instead of a direct transformation on the raw counts or FPKM, remove unwanted variation (RUV) adopted a generalized linear model for \(Y_{jg}\)

BatchQC - Batch Effects Quality Control

What to use
