Fall 2016

Expression Quantification: Affy

Affymetrix Genechip is an oligonucleotide array consisting of a several perfect match (PM) and their corresponding mismatch (MM) probes that interrogate for a single gene.

  • PM is the exact complementary sequence of the target genetic sequence, composed of 25 base pairs
  • MM probe, which has the same sequence with exception that the middle base (13th) position has been reversed
  • There are roughly 11-20 PM/MM probe pairs that interrogate for each gene, called a probe set

Affymetrix Expression Array Preprocessing

Background adjustment

Remove intensity contributions from optical noise and cross-hybridization

  • so the true measurements aren't affected by neighboring measurements
  1. PM-MM
  2. PM only
  3. RMA
  4. GC-RMA

Affymetrix Expression Array Preprocessing


Remove array effect, make array comparable

  1. Constant or linear (MAS)
  2. Rank invariant (dChip)
  3. Quantile (RMA)

Affymetrix Expression Array Preprocessing


Combine probe intensities into one measure per gene

  1. MAS 4.0, MAS 5.0
  2. Li-Wong (dChip)
  3. RMA

Expression Index estimates


  • Reduce the 11-20 probe intensities on each array to a single number for gene expression.
  • The goal is to produce a measure that will serve as an indicator of the level of expression of a transcript using the PM (and possibly MM values).

Expression Index estimates

Single Chip

  • MAS 4.0 (avgDiff): no longer recommended for use due to many flaws.
  • MAS 5.0: use One-Step Tukey biweight to combine the probe intensities in log scale average \(log_2(PM - BG)\)

Expression Index estimates

Multiple Chip

  • MBEI (Li-Wong): a multiplicative model (Model based expression index)
  • RMA (Irizarry): a robust multi-chip linear model fit on the log scale (Robust Multi-array Average)

Expression Quantification: Affy

Initially, Affymetrix signal was calculated as

\[AvgDiff=\frac{1}{A}\sum_{j \in A}{(PM_j - MM_j)}\]

where \(j\) indexes the probe pairs in the set \(A\), where the set \(A\) excludes the max and min differences. This is known as the “Average Difference” method (MAS 4.0).

Expression Quantification: Affy

Initially, Affymetrix signal was calculated as

\[AvgDiff=\frac{1}{A}\sum_{j \in A}{(PM_j - MM_j)}\]


  • Large variability in PM-MM
  • MM probes may be measuring signal for another gene/EST
  • PM-MM may be negative => no log scale

Approach #1: MAS5

MAS 5.0 Method

Steps for obtaining Affymetrix Microarray Suite 5.0 expression measures

  • Adjust cell intensities for background.
  • Adjust PM values by subtracting an Ideal Mismatch (IM).
  • Take log2 transformation.
  • Calculate a robust mean of the PM values for a probe set using Tukey’s biweight estimator to estimate the Signal.
  • Apply a scaling factor to the Signal values from previous step.

MAS5: Background & Noise


  • Divide chip into zones

MAS5: Background & Noise


  • Divide chip into zones
  • Select lowest 2% intensity values. This is zone background \(b\) for the tone \(bZ_k\)
  • stdev of those values is zone variability
  • Background at any location is the sum of all zones background, weighted by \(w_k(x,y)=1/(d_k^2(x,y) + fudge \, factor)\)
  • The background \(b\) for cell \(x,y\) is:

\[b(x,y) = \frac{1}{\sum_{k=1}^K{w_k(x,y)}}\sum_{k=1}^Kw_k(x,y)*bZ_k\]

MAS5: Background & Noise


  • Using same zones as above
  • Select lowest 2% background
  • stdev of those values is zone noise \(nZ_k\)
  • Noise at any location is the sum of all zone noise as above. Just substitute \(n(x,y)\) for \(b(x,y)\), and \(nZ_k\) for \(bZ_k\)

MAS5: Background adjusted intensity

\(A(x,y)=max(I'(x,y)) - b(x,y), \, NoiseFrac*n(x,y))\) where \(I'(x,y)=max(I'(x,y),0.5)\)

\(A\) - adjusted intensity = intensity minus background, the final value should be > noise

\(I\) - measured intensity

\(b\) - background

\(n\) - noise

\(NoiseFrac\) - another fudge factor = 0.5

MAS5: Ideal Mismatch

Because sometimes \(MM > PM\), we need Idealized Mismatch

First, calculate a specific background ratio using the Tukey biweight

\[SB_i=T_{bi}(log_2(PM_{i,j}-log_2(mm_{i,j})):j=1, ..., n_i)\]

MAS5: Signal

Value for each probe: \(V_{i,j}=max(PM_{i,j}-IM_{i,j},\delta) \; default \, \delta = 2^{-20}\)

Probe value: \(PV_{i,j}=log_2(V_{i,j}),j=1, ..., n_i\)

Modified mean of probe values: \(SignalLogValue_i=T_{bi}(PV_{i,1}, ..., PV_{i,n_i})\)

Scaling factor (default \(Sc=500\)): \(sf=\frac{Sc}{TrimMean(2^{SignalLogValue_i},0.02,0.98)}\)

Final signal (default \(nf=1\)): \(ReportedValue(i)=nf*sf*2^{SignalLogValue_i}\)

MBEI: Modeling probe effect

Li and Wong’s observations

  • There is a large probe effect
  • There are outliers that are only noticed when looking across arrays
  • Non-linear normalization needed

"Model-based analysis of oligonucleotide arrays: Expression index computation and outlier detection" PNAS 2001 http://www.pnas.org/content/98/1/31.long

MBEI: Modeling probe effect

MBEI Expression Summaries

Li and Wong (2001) proposed a model-based expression index (MBEI) expression measures

For a set of arrays \(i=1,..., I\), for each probe set comprised of probe pairs \(j=1,.., J\), the PM and MM intensities for the \(i^{th}\) and \(j^{th}\) probe pair are modeled as

\(PM_{ij}=v_j + \alpha_j \theta_i + \phi_j \theta_i + \epsilon\)

\(MM_{ij}=v_j + \alpha_j \theta_i + \epsilon\)

\(y_{ij}=PM_{ij} - MM_{ij}=\phi_j \theta_i + \epsilon\)

MBEI Expression Summaries

\(\theta_i\) is the model based expression index (MBEI) for the \(i^{th}\) array

\(v_j\) is the mean intensity of the \(j^{th}\) probe pair due to non-specific hybridization

\(\alpha_j\) is the rate of increase of MM response of the \(j^{th}\) MM probe (non-specific effect)

\(\phi_j\) is the additional rate of increase in the PM response of the jth PM probe (specific effect)

The errors \(\epsilon\) are assumed independent normally distributed with variance \(\sigma^2\).

MBEI Expression Summaries

\(IxJ\) equations

\(I \; \theta_i\) array parameters, \(J \; \phi_j\) gene parameters, \(I+J\) all parameters

Assume \(\phi_j\) is known, use them to find best \(\theta_i\). Then, use \(\theta_i\) estimates to estimate \(\phi_j\)

Iterative least square procedure

Estimate \(\theta_i\) is the expression index

What is RMA?

RMA = Robust Multi-Array

Why do we use a “robust” method?

  • Robust summaries really improve over the standard ones by down weighing outliers and leaving their effects visible in residuals.

Why do we use “array”?

  • To put each chip’s values in the context of a set of similar values on other arrays

What is RMA?

  • It is a log scale linear additive model
  • Assumes all the chips have the same background distribution
  • Does not use the mismatch probe (MM) data from the microarray experiments - why?

What is RMA?

  • Mismatch probes (MM) definitely have information - about both signal and noise - but using it without adding more noise is a challenge
  • We should be able to improve the background correction using MM, without having the noise level blow up: topic of current research (GCRMA)
  • Ignoring MM decreases accuracy but increases precision


Steps for obtaining Robust Multi-Array Average Expression

  • Adjust for background on a raw intensity scale using PM/MM data from *.CEL files.
  • \(PM_{ijg}=sg_{ijg}+bg_{ijg}\).
  • True signal follows exponential distribution \(sg_{ijg} \approx Exp(\lambda_{ijg})\)
  • The background follows normal distribution \(bg_{ijg} \approx N(\beta, \sigma_i^2)\)
  • True signal and background are independent


Steps for obtaining Robust Multi-Array Average Expression

  • Adjust for background on a raw intensity scale using PM/MM data from *.CEL files.
  • Carry out quantile normalization using the PM – bg adjusted values.
  • Take \(log_2\) of the normalized background corrected PMs
  • \(PM_{ijg}=sg_{ijg}+bg_{ijg}\).
  • For each probe set \(g\), fit the model where \(i\) is the array effect and \(j\) is the probe effect.


\[log_2(background \, corrected \, PM_{ij}) = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \epsilon_{ij}\]

\(\mu + \alpha_i\) is the \(log_2\) expression for array \(i=1, ..., I\)

\(\beta_j\) is the \(log_2\) affinity effect for probes \(j=1,...,J\)

\(\epsilon_{ij}\) is the error term

The estimate of \(\mu + \alpha_i\) gives the expression measures for a probe set \(n\) on array \(i\).

A robust estimation procedure (median polish) is used to estimate the parameters in order to protect against outlier probes.

Tukey's median polish

Array i - rows

Probe j - columns

\[log_2(background \, corrected \, PM_{ij}) = \mu + \alpha_i + \beta_j + \epsilon_{ij}\]

\(\alpha_i\) - row (array) effect

\(\beta_j\) - column (probe) effect

Alternately subtract row and column medians until sum of absolute residuals converges.

We are interested in the fitted (predicted) row values \(\hat{\mu_i}=\hat{\mu}+\hat{\sigma_i}\)

RMA procedure

The parameters in the above equations are unidentifiable. Need constraint \(\sum{\alpha_j}=0\) - initial row effect

Perform Tukey’s Median Polish on the matrix of \(y_{ij}\) values in the \(i^{th}\) row and \(j^{th}\) column.

Basically, it entails iteratively normalizing row and column medians to 0 until convergence.

RMA procedure

Let \(\hat{y_{ij}}\) denote the fitted value for \(y_{ij}\) that results from the median polish procedure

Let \(\hat{\alpha_j}=\hat{y_{.j}}-\hat{y_{..}}\), where \(\hat{y_{.j}}=\sum_i{\frac{y_{ij}}{I}}\), and \(\hat{y_{..}}=\sum_i{\sum_j{\frac{y_{ij}}{I*J}}}\), where \(I,J\) - number of arrays and probes

Let \(\hat{\beta_i}=\sum_j{\frac{y_{ij}}{J}}\)

Then, \(\hat{\beta_i}\) are the RMA measures of expression for array \(i\).

RMA flavor


  • Similar to RMA, but calculates background differently
  • Makes use of MM intensities to correct background
  • Background more directly addresses nonspecific binding (appears to be sequence dependent)
  • Not necessarily better than RMA

Normalization: final touches

  • Reduces systematic (not random) effects; makes it possible to compare several arrays
  • There are many variations and extensions of the normalization methods. It’s a highly opinionated field.
  • Normalization affects the final analysis, but not often clear which strategy is the best; normalization may introduces more variability
  • Normalization can improve the quality of analysis, remove technical effects
  • Nothing can rescue bad quality data

Normalization: final touches

Preprocessing involves three main steps:

  • Background / Normalization / Summarization
  • Almost all preprocessing methods return expression levels on log2 scale

RMA (performs well overall)

  • Background Correction
  • Quantile Normalization
  • Summarization using Median Polish