Fall 2016
Mendelian genetics explains transmission of genetic information, but sheds no light on how genes create cellular and organismic phenotypes.
Assays have been developed to more formally study the association between genes and phenotypes.
"A DNA microarray is a multiplex technology consisting of thousands of oligonucleotide spots, each containing picomoles of a specific DNA sequence."
An oligonucleotide (from Greek prefix oligo-, "having few, having little") is a short nucleic acid polymer.
PM probe is the exact complementary sequence of the target genetic sequence, composed of 25 base pairs
MM probe, which has the same sequence with exception that the middle base (13th) position has been reversed
There are roughly 11-20 PM/MM probe pairs that interrogate for each gene, called a probe set
Allow detection of alternative splicing.
Cost is about the same as for regular microarrays.
Careful probe design is imperative.
Methods for analysis are not well developed.
Beads form array on light fibers.
Illumination from below excites fluorescence – quantifies probe bound.
Each chip of the Ref-8 contains 8 arrays with ~ 25,000 targets, plus controls
Each chip of the WG-6 contains 6 arrays with ~ 50,000 targets, plus controls
Each chip of the HT-12 chip contains 12 arrays with ~ 50,000 targets and controls
Analysis of ONE sample per array
Straightforward approach - more fluorescence = more RNA
Need to use another array(s) for comparative analysis
Careful normalization of one microarray data to the other is a must
The new company wanted to determine if printer technology could be harnessed to generate microarrays.
Inkjet Array Manufacture Involves Sequential Nucleotide Addition
CNAs are a hallmark of tumor genomes
CNAs can lead to adverse expression changes of affected genes
Recurrent CNAs in patients with common phenotype potentially represent molecular markers of disease
Task: find recurrent CNAs for diagnostics, gene-disease association, disease susceptibility
Cancer research: Molecular characterization of tumors on a genomic scale; more reliable diagnosis and effective treatment of cancer
Immunology: Study of host genomic responses to bacterial infections
Model organisms: Multifactorial experiments monitoring expression response to different treatments and doses, over time or in different cell types
All cells in the body are the lineal descendants of a fertilized egg. Almost all of these cells carry genomes that are reasonable accurate copies of the genome that was initially present in the fertilized egg
However, cells throughout the body are phenotypically distinct (e.g., skin cells versus brain cells) though genetically identical.
Differentiation is the process whereby cells in different parts of the embryo begin to assume distinct phenotypes.
The molecular mechanisms of differentiation can be understood by examining the sets of genes that are expressed (transcribed) in some cells but not others. These are tissue-specific genes.
Cancer is a disease in which cells escape the restraints on normal cell growth, and become less and less differentiated
Once a cell has become cancerous, all of its descendant cells are cancerous
Clonal expansion of cancer cells results in cancer progression
Characterize molecular variations among tumors by monitoring gene expression
Divide morphologically similar tumors into different groups based on gene expression.