Fall 2016

Bioconductor Project

  • The Bioconductor project started in 2001

Goal: make it easier to conduct reproducible consistent analysis of data from new high-throughput biological technologies

  • Core maintainers of the Bioconductor website located at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center
  • Updated version released biannually coinciding with the release of R
  • Many contributed software packages

Bioconductor packages

  • Bioconductor software consists of R add-on packages.
  • An R package is a structured collection of code (R, C, or other), documentation, and/or data for performing specific types of analyses.
  • E.g. affy, limma, sva packages provide implementations of specialized statistical and graphical methods.

Goals of the Bioconductor Project

  • Provide access to statistical and graphical tools for analysis of high-dimensional biological data
  1. Microarray analysis
  2. High-throughput 'omics' data

Goals of the Bioconductor Project

  • Include comprehensive documentation describing and providing examples for packages
  • Packages have associated vignettes that provide examples of how to use functions
  • Have additional tools to work with publically available databases and other meta-data


  • Bioconductor has adopted a new documentation paradigm, the vignette.
  • A vignette is an executable document consisting of a collection of documentation text and code chunks.
  • Vignettes form dynamic, integrated, and reproducible statistical documents that can be automatically updated if either data or analyses are changed.
  • Vignettes can be generated using the sweave function (or, roxygen2 package)

Microarray data analysis

Microarray data analysis

Bioconductor website

marrayRaw class

Pre-normalization intensity data for a batch of arrays

AffyBatch class

Probe-level intensity data for a batch of arrays (same CDF)

ExpressionSet class

Processed Affymetrix or spotted array data


Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment (MIAME) http://fged.org/projects/miame/

The six most critical elements contributing towards MIAME are:

1 - The raw data for each hybridization (e.g., CEL or GPR files)

2 - The final processed (normalized) data for the set of hybridizations in the experiment (study) (e.g., the gene expression data matrix used to draw the conclusions from the study)

3 - The essential sample annotation including experimental factors and their values (e.g., compound and dose in a dose response experiment)


Minimum Information About a Microarray Experiment (MIAME) http://fged.org/projects/miame/

4 - The experimental design including sample data relationships (e.g., which raw data file relates to which sample, which hybridizations are technical, which are biological replicates)

5 - Sufficient annotation of the array (e.g., gene identifiers, genomic coordinates, probe oligonucleotide sequences or reference commercial array catalog number)

6 - The essential laboratory and data processing protocols (e.g., what normalization method has been used to obtain the final processed data)

Pre-processing packages

  1. marray: Spotted DNA microarrays.
  2. affy: Affymetrix oligonucleotide chips.
  3. limma: all, from spotted arrays to Affy to RNA-seq
  • Reading in intensity data, diagnostic plots, normalization, computation of expression measures.

  • The packages start with very different data structures, but produce similar objects of class ExpressionSet.

  • One can then use other Bioconductor and CRAN packages for exploratory data analysis and visualization, differential expression detection